NDC Marks 42nd anniversary of the 31st December Revolution

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) is gearing up for a momentous occasion—the commemoration of the 42nd anniversary of the 31st December Revolution on December 31, 2023. In the heart of the Greater Accra Region, specifically at the Ashaley Botwe Old Town Park,

Embracing History: Lighting the Perpetual Flame

The event, set to be a poignant affair, will feature various significant activities, symbolizing the enduring impact of the historic revolution. The lighting of the perpetual flame will be a central focus, illuminating the ongoing relevance of the principles that sparked the transformative events of December 31, 1981.

A Solemn Tribute: Wreath-Laying Ceremony

Among the solemn rituals planned for the day, a wreath-laying ceremony will take place—a gesture that serves as a poignant tribute to the heroes and heroines who played pivotal roles during the 10-year period of the 31st December Revolution. This act underscores the NDC’s commitment to preserving the memory of those who contributed to the socio-political landscape of Ghana during that crucial era.

A Festive Gathering: The Durbar

Adding a touch of festivity to the commemoration, a durbar will unfold, echoing the vibrant spirit of the Ghanaian people. This celebration is not just a remembrance; it’s an opportunity for members of the NDC to come together, reinforcing their shared commitment to the foundational principles that have guided the party and the nation.

Theme for Reflection: “Building the Ghana We Want: Revisiting the Decade that Stopped the Decay [1982-1992]”

Underpinning the commemoration is a thought-provoking theme: “Building the Ghana We Want: Revisiting the Decade that Stopped the Decay [1982-1992].” This theme serves as a compass, directing attention to the fundamental principles that define the 4th Republic—probity, accountability, freedom, and justice. It is a call for introspection, encouraging NDC members to reflect on their role in shaping the nation’s destiny.

Distinguished Guests: A Gathering of NDC’s Finest

Anticipated attendees include the Functional Executive Committee of the NDC, the cadre corp, and key figures such as the esteemed flagbearer, John Mahama, National Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, and the General Secretary of the NDC. Additionally, Dr Zanetor Agyemang Rawlings, Member of Parliament for Korle Klottey constituency, will grace the occasion alongside traditional authorities and other distinguished party stalwarts.

Conclusion: A Celebration of Unity and Legacy

In conclusion, the 42nd anniversary of the 31st December Revolution stands not only as a commemoration of history but as a celebration of unity, legacy, and the enduring spirit of the NDC. As the perpetual flame is lit, as wreaths are laid, and as the durbar unfolds, it is a moment for introspection, gratitude, and a recommitment to the principles that have guided the NDC over the past four decades. May this celebration be a beacon, lighting the way for a future where the ideals of probity, accountability, freedom, and justice continue to shape the Ghana we all aspire to build.

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